Our prayer is that employers will find this platform a refreshing alternative for reaching faith-minded candidates, and that job seekers will find new career opportunities with like minded employers.
If you have found the Christian Job Wire to be a valuable tool to you, we'd love to hear from you! Send us your story: support(at)thejobconnection.org
Seeking God, out of work, but have faith he will guide me into his purposes with right ministry/IT position.
Amy (2) - 02/03/2025
Financial difficulty, mental health. Need provision.
Career Tip of the Day
King David understood the real value of a life that follows God’s plan, and so should we. The covenant we’ve been given is even better than David’s. We’ve been given a trainer — the Holy Spirit — Who now dwells within us to teach, guide and empower us. As we follow the path that God has prepared for us we will walk right into our happiness. If we leave that path, we leave our happiness as well. David says something to his trainer in this verse that we might want to say to ours... “Make me walk along God’s path. Don’t let me leave it for any reason.” If we do this, the Holy Spirit will make sure we stay where our happiness can be found.
I know that my happiness is found when I walk in the ways of the Lord.
By faith I receive the ability to hear God’s instructions and the power to obey them.
I invite the Holy Spirit to rule and reign in my life.
Word of the Day
Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found. (NLT)
Christian Job Wire is a faith-based career platform designed to connect employers with faith-minded candidates. Since 2005, Christian Job Wire has been a helping job seekers find jobs with employers that share a similar Christian worldview, while helping employers find candidates that share their employer's values. We pray this platform will be a blessing to those you use it, support the redemptive nature of work, all the while glorifying God!